Mission Home address

My Address:

Elder Carson Justin Burnside
Brazil Sao Paulo Interlagos Mission
Rua Comendador Elias Zarzur, 365
Santo Amaro
04736-000 Sao Paulo - SP

Monday, September 14, 2015

Rough first day...worst....but I love it!

Well .... talk about rough first days!!!! I think I could mark mine down as one of the worst! After I emailed you guys we had lunch and that was good, talked and talked and finally it came time to leave. President Dalton was going to take us in his car, because it was raining, and I was perfectly good with that, but .... apparently my companion had to get to an appointment.   We had to take the bus .... Now we started walking to the bus stop and it started to pour rain, like terrible rain. I didn´t have my umbrella or rain jacket so I kept on going in my suit.  I was soaked and cold. We got on the bus and it was about an hour ride in a crowded bus, with my suitcases, and I am freezing. We missed our stop, so I had to walk with my suitcases in the rain, freezing for about 2 miles. And get this MY FIRST AREA IS IN THE FAVEHLAS!!! The poorest parts of my mission. So I am freezing pulling suitcases through a pretty rough place. And I am walking up hill with 2 heavy suitcases... We got to our apartment, which is pretty sketchy, and all I wanted to do was lay down. But, nope. I had time to change and get ready to go teach. Now I thought I could speak Portuguese, nahhhh ..... The people talk a whole lot faster here than they did in the MTC, I had no clue as to what was being said. We returned home after a couple hours of teaching, and I thought to myself, this is gonna be a long ride .... But, I wouldn´t trade that experience for anything. I absolutely love it here!!! I can´t speak fluently, but everyday I can feel myself understanding more, speaking faster, and knowing more words. Soooooo.... the first week was good, we had a baptism yesterday and should have another one this week, and more than likely a couple in 2 weeks!!  The favahelas here are always built on huge hills so I continually walk up and down hills.  I am pretty sure I lost that 10 pounds I gained in the CTM lol!!!  I finally get to send pictures too!!

 My companion is great by the way!  It has been really cold and rainy here lately.  The rain jacket works amazing! But, I am ready for the summer to get here!!!  This first week has been pretty good besides the first day.  In about a month I should know enough Portuguese to type and speak without having to stop and think, but until that time I got to keep paying the price. Enjoy this next week! I will have more pics to send next week!!!
Eu Amo Vocês!!!

Elder Carson Burnside

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