Today I got into the field. I woke up at 4:45 this morning
and I am super tired. We had our first interview with President Dalton and it
went very well. The mission is awesome, the people here seem wonderful! I would
be lying if I said I was not scared a little bit. I feel like a 1st grader
talking to a college professor when I am talking with the Brazilians. But
despite all of that, I told my mission president that I wanted to learn
Portuguese as fast as possible. I asked him to put me with a companion, my
trainer, who doesn´t speak English. That was a tough choice and he told me it
would be hard, I would feel alone and secluded, but It would be the right
choice. He promised me this decision would help me so much. So my companion is
Elder Perriera, and he is a native of Rio De Janero. He Does NOT speak ANY
ENGLISH. He is also 26 years old. So this will be very interesting. These
next few weeks will be super tough. I think I have learned enough in the
CTM to get me by, to show the people my love for them and the gospel, to show
my companion my desires to help him and not be a burden, and I hope by this
trainer decision and all my work in the CTM Heavenly Father will acknowledge my
efforts and help me learn this language even faster than what I could imagine.
So now, I say goodbye until Monday (I think ) That will be the next p-day. Keep
your prayers with me, hopefully I have some good stories for you guys next
Eu Amo Vocês!!!
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